crick Crick’s OMERO guide

This OMERO guide is specific to the Crick’s OMERO implementations. It offers step-by-step instructions on how to use components of the OMERO platform at the Crick.

Getting started

The OMERO guide is divided into several parts:

General concepts covers OMERO terminology and concepts of project, dataset, image, metadata, users, groups,etc.

OMERO.web viewing data includes viewing using
  • default viewer: imageviewer,

  • OMERO.iviewer,

  • OMERO.PathViewer,

  • OMERO.figure - for making figures.

OMERO Import covers how to put images into OMERO via in-place import and how to access (directly instead of download) that after import

External Software and OMERO introduces how to analyse data using third party tools
  • QuPath qupath.

More information

To learn more about OMERO in general, we recommend that you first visit the Open Microscopy Environment Website.

You can also watch videos of OMERO features or workshop recordings on the Open Microscopy Environment YouTube channel. Please be aware that some of the operations are different from the Crick’s OMERO.